IMPORTANT !!! Please read before installing HIDGuardian !!! Uninstall: Run Xbox 360 Controller Emulator as an Administrator ► Options tab ► Virtual Device tab ► ViGEm Bus Uninstall button. Install: Run Xbox 360 Controller Emulator as an Administrator ► Options tab ► Virtual Device tab ► ViGEm Bus Install button.

How to Install or Uninstall ViGEmBus Virtual Gamepad Emulation Driver Minimise Xbox 360 Controller Emulator in order to reduce CPU use (program icon will be visible in tray).Click Save All button (at top right corner of application) when done.Map button or axis by selecting option and pressing button or moving axis on your controller.Click on drop-down (drop-down menu with options will appear).Enable controller by clicking on Enable # Mapped Device inside Controller 1 tab.Select controller you want to add-map and click on OK button.Select Controller 1 tab and click on Add.Connect your DirectInput Device (controller) to computer.Select Issues tab and click on Install button to install Virtual Gamepad Emulation Driver.

Issues tab in Xbox 360 Controller Emulator will start blinking if Virtual Gamepad Emulation Driver is missing. Installing ViGEmBus Virtual Gamepad Emulation Driver

Therefore version 3.x doesn’t work with these games any more.

Some new games or old games after their latest updates do not permit custom xinput1_*.dll file. Version 3.x uses custom xinput1_*.dll file. The x360ce.exe application version 4.x uses Virtual Gamepad Emulation driver ViGEmBus by nefarius.